Outdoor courses
Climbing outdoors
Climbing on real rock is a unique experience! If you’re ready to take the next step, my outdoor climbing services are designed to help you achieve that, whether you’re just starting out or looking to push your boundaries. From beginner-friendly introductory sessions to full outdoor courses that cover advanced techniques, I offer something for every climber. Keep reading for details!
Wye Valley climbing experience
This half day course at a designated Wye Valley or Bristol limestone crag is designed for beginner climbers wanting to have their first experience on real rock and improve their climbing skills.
Price: £90 per person (minimum 2 people, maximum 4 people)
Wye Valley beginner course
This is a full day course aimed at climbers that want to learn how to top rope outdoors, including tying in, belaying and how to stay safe. Wye Valley offers a number of limestone crags that are beginner friendly
Price: £120 per person (minimum 2 people, maximum 4 people)
Sandstone climbing experience
This half day course is designed for beginner climbers wanting to have their first experience on real rock and improve their climbing skills at a Southern Sandstone crag. Sandstone offers a quite different experience from limestone, one that challenges the climber to focus a lot on technique.
Price: £90 per person (minimum 2 people, maximum 4 people)
Sandstone beginner course
This full day course extends on the Sandstone experience for people that want to learn how to top rope and be independent climbers. We will cover all the skills needed including tying in, belaying and safety skills.
Price: £120 per person (minimum 2 people, maximum 4 people)
Bespoke trip
This would be a full day trip and it is great for climbers that want to get a taste of some of the best crags in places like Portland or the Peak District on top rope.
Price: £150 per person (minimum 2 people, maximum 4 people)
Watch this space for announcements of trip dates and booking!
Make it your own!
If you have the need for a custom outdoor course or trip please feel free to contact me directly and I will make my best to make it happen!